Biblioteca da Unidade Pastoral de Sintra

África -Terras ao Sul do Sara (Record no. 1450)

000 -Record Label
fixed length control field 00663nam 2200193 4500
010 ## - International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Number (ISBN) 972-609-091-1
100 ## - General Processing Data
General Processing Data 20170124d m||y0pory50 ba
200 ## - Title and Statement of Responsibility
Title Proper África -Terras ao Sul do Sara
First Statement of Responsibility Peter Joyce, Vincent Leroux
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility trad. Mário Correia
Parallel Title Proper Países e povos do mundo
205 ## - Edition Statement
Edition Statement 1a ed.,
Issue Statement 1a reimp
210 ## - Publication, Distribution, etc.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc. Lisboa
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc. Selecções do Reader's Digest,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc. 1996
215 ## - Physical Description
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item 159 p. a 2 colns
Other Physical Details muito il.
Dimensions 30 cm
225 ## - Series
Series Title Países e povos do mundo:
Other Title Information Terras ao Sul do Sara
300 ## - General Notes
Text of Note Tit. orig.: Des pays et des hommes
600 ## - Personal Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Peter Joyce
601 ## - Corporate Body Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Selecções do Reader's Digest,
675 ## - Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
Number 908
Edition UPS
Language of Edition por
090 ## - System Control Numbers (Koha)
Koha biblioitem number (autogenerated) 1450
Koha item type Books
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